Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
We were able to watch their children grow up and they were there when we added to our family. She instantly took Hannah when Caden came into our lives three weeks early. I was there when she had Bailey three weeks early. Richard was able to stay the night, because Addie was only five months old at the time. Bailey was born on her sister's birthday, so we did an impromtu party for Maddie.
Riley and Maddie became our family's favorite babysitters. The nice thing was whenever we would double date one would stay at their home and one would come to my home. Her kids would also play with mine and be fun with them even though there was a large age and interest difference.
My kids adore their children and Addie and Bailey are two peas in a pod.
We always evacuated from hurricanes with them. For Ivan we made it to Baton Rouge in 9 hours and decided to turn around and have a big slumber party at their home instead and ride out the storm that luckily vered East. For Hurricane Katrina we went to Houston together. We had fun ice skating, eating, and spending time together. They even did our laundry after Caden threw up in the car. That was just the kind of friends they are. This week felt normal knowing that Shannon and her family were in their home on Platt St. and I could stop by and bring her a Diet Coke, just like old times. Having them in Arizona just isn't the same, but I know that we will always be close friends because when they walked in the door the other night bringing me a Diet Coke, because they had just filled there tank with gas our conversation never skipped a beat and it was like they had been here the whole time.
We had a wonderful dinner at Ruth's Chris Thursday night. Maddie came to babysit and Riley stayed to watch Bailey at their house. We laughed and talked and were the last ones in the restuarant to leave.
That is what I love about real friendships. It's like things haven't missed a beat even though we haven't seen each other for a long time. Things pick up where they left off. Old "inside" jokes are still funny along with new ones that have come about with the recent Mardi Gras festivities.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Letting the good times roll
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A dollar, a parade, and pizza
Mardi Gras is in full swing with it being the weekend before Fat-Tuesday. Addie had her big Mardi Gras parade at school. Her teachers made the whole class Mardi Gras shirts to wear during the parade and they were in the traditional colors of purple, green, and gold. They were instructed to bring a bucket full of beads to throw. The children had a great time going around in the parade circle throwing beads and dancing to the music. They marched back to their classroom for a party and one last king cake. Addie was so excited because everyone got the baby in their king cake donuts.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Happenings
I would also like to document 14 things why I love my husband:
I love that he loves me
I love his deep singing voice
I love his blue eyes
I love how he is such a hard worker
I love how he lets me talk, even when he doesn't want to listen
I love how he loves our children
I love when he tells me exactly what I need to hear
I love that he is calm
I love how he is self-confident
I love how he always tell me he loves me
I love that he believes in me when I don't think I can
I love how he makes up songs
I love how he cuddles with me
I love that he is my best friend
I love you babe! Happy Valentines Day!
Tagged by Chanel
- My husband, he is wonderful
- My children's art projects. I love having them hung around my house
- Diet Coke
- My friends... I don't know what I would do without all of them
- Vacuuming...it is therapeutic
- Getting my haircut or colored. It makes me feel like a new women
Monday, February 12, 2007
A choice, a field trip, and bowling
It was a great weekend. We topped it off by making and frosting our valentines cookies. What fun!
Friday, February 9, 2007
- I am very afraid of Indian reservations. When I was a little girl my dad use to tease me and say that "Indians liked blonde headed little girls". We use to travel to Arizona all the time during my childhood, and each time I would hide under a blanket. Still to this day I don't like traveling through reservations.
- I take extremely hot showers and I usually come out of the shower looking like a lobster.
- I have a hard time falling asleep without cuddling with Richard. Some part of my body has to be touching his. When he is on call I usually have to resort to taking Tylenol PM to get to sleep.
- I dislike to be alone.
- I make weird faces while putting on my makeup.
- I was not able to nurse any of my children, but I did try all three times. I still feel a little guilty about not being able too.
I now tag Jordan, Rebecca, and Jill
Thursday, February 8, 2007
100's day, King Cakes, and a recipe
Addie got the baby in the King Cake and as tradition goes she had to bring the next King Cake to school. She was so excited I think she even slept with the little plastic baby. Everyone has the opportunity to bring a King Cake before Mardi Gras. (I have to add I let my guard down and let Hannah do Addie's hair for school. It actually looked pretty good).
With valentines being just around the corner. I know this is probably your weekend for baking with your kids. I have a fabulous sugar cookie recipe that I would like to share with my fellow bloggers. I make it for all special occasions Christmas, Valentines, Easter, or anytime that I just need a good sugar cookie. Some of my fellow NOLA people may have tasted these a few times.
Sugar Cookies:
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 shortening
1 cup sour cream (don't use light or fat free)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
4 cups flour
Combine top five ingredients. Put dry ingredients on a plate and then add to wet mixture very slowly. Chill for a few hours. Roll out cookie dough using a little flour and powdered sugar. Bake at 375 for 8-10 min.
Half a bag of powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 stick melted butter
Milk use to desired thickness. Add a little bit at a time.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Recap of the Week
Wow, I can't believe it is Friday already! I will try to give you the run down of what has been going on in the Matern home since my last post.
- Hannah was a Hundred Year Old Lady for One Hundred Days
- I went and saw Catch and Release with some Girlfriends
- Hannah gave a great talk in Church on Faith in Jesus Christ
- I was able to take dinner to a friend who had just lost her father to cancer
- Addie and I attended the Pottery Barn Kids Story Time (she had a blast playing with all the toys)
- I received some great good mail that made my day, and boosted my spirits from Shawna and Amy W. Thank you! Thank you!
- I checked the kids out early from school for an appointment with Dr. Mom....They needed a little extra TLC. Dr. Mom had cupcakes waiting for them to frost and decorate
- Richard taught Caden how to tie his shoes, so that he won't get a bad mark on his report card