Two years ago today I woke up in Houston exhausted from traveling 19+ hours to be out of harms way from Hurricane Katrina and I was devastated to think of what could happen to the place that I had called home. The fear of the unknown and I was saddened to think about what could be happening to my little comfort zone. You see this place is unique, when our husbands are off at school and work it is the other wives who keep you sane and happy, and when you are miles away from family they become your family. This is the place that life lessons where taught by people who loved this place.
Our time in the place where everything is always bigger had to end. We had to face reality of our current situation. So, the girls and I boarded a jet plane, and the boys had their first road trip. It is where Caden learned that it was OK to pee outside, and it quickly became the highlight of his trip. The girls and I were welcomed with open arms back to the place that housed us for a long eighteen months.
But I longed for the quirky, dirty old city that I had once called mine, so we packed up and headed back south. And once again I felt that feeling of really being home. It is like no other unless you have lived here and truly experienced life here. I love our home and my New Orleans and I didn't really understand this until I spent some time away because of the hurricane.
When we moved here I cried, but now when the thought of our family leaving this city enters my mind I want to cry. This has been a remarkable, memorable, and wonderful experience in the land called NOLA.
What an adventure you have been through. What a gift you've been able to get through it feeling strengthened. Bless you.
I'm happy you can look back at this terrible event that happened to you and find strength from it.
Isn't it crazy that you have lived their for 9 years?? I think you have a great attitude about it all.
And I must add that I LOVE that photo you gave me it's hanging in my front room :)
Hey, that's a popular picture for New Orleans blogs these days! :) (It's on mine, too, and it is one of my favorite pictures I've taken, despite the sadness attached to it). Crazy that it's been two years, huh? I'm glad your family not only survived it all, but managed to thrive. You've handled it all so well. Enjoy your last months in the BIg Easy!
What an interesting experience for your family to have had that time away from home and then to go back to it. No wonder you've got so many emotions about it.
A great post about such a life changing situation for your family! Something you will never forget.
I am one of those people who is not a big fan of NOLA. I have only visited a handful of times and I probably don't like it because I have never experienced it from anything besides a tourist city. If I had someone to show me around and all the hidden treasures I would probably love it.
It is always great to go back "home" after being away.. I hope you have many more memories in such a sweet place for you!
I love that you still have a few months to savor NOLA. Amazing - your kids will be old enough to have stong memories from that beloved city, and you are so wise that, as you told me last Christmas, you want them to end their experience there well, with positive associations and adventures. Oh, the things they will reminisce about! Snow cones, parades and throws, the quarter... what a childhood!
Hi, I found you through Lelly. What a fabulous story. I read your story about the beds too, it choked me up. I can't imagine the insecurity that experience would put in the back of the mind of a child.
The leaving, the returning, the changes -- so many emotions, Allison! That's a lot to experience in two years. Here's to a great finish in NOLA.
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