A little rain couldn't even stop us!
It only took us eight years to make the forty five minute drive to Vacherie Louisiana. So, when my husband has the weekend off not even the rain could stop my plans. We packed a picnic of fabulous Curry Chicken Salad and pb&j's for the kids and headed off to Oak Alley Plantation.
We had a wonderful time learning a little more about Southern living, and seeing these 300 year old oak trees was breath taking.
We had a wonderful time learning a little more about Southern living, and seeing these 300 year old oak trees was breath taking.
My children had just has wonderful a time sloshing around in puddles, and wishing that I would give them permission to climb just "one" of the big beautiful trees. 
We left a little more soggy then when we came , but the rain felt good and rejuvenating as having the whole family together. It was what we needed a weekend, a picnic, and these memories.