I got an email from a friend inquiring about when we are going to put our house on the market. Such excitement to know that someone is interested in MY home. Yet so sad to think that soon it will be occupied by different owners. Someone else will hear the pitter-patter of little feet on my tile floor. Someone else's keys will turn to open the front door.
My time in my beloved "city beneath the sea" is coming to a close. Nine years of living in the deep south. I keep asking myself have I seen, have I done, have I eaten, have I experienced all that this city has to offer? My answer is always NO, and I probably won't accomplish all of things that I would like to in the next ten months that I have left.
I did decide today... I will walk away from this city, and my house with lots of memories. It is the place where two angels where given to me, I learned I could do things on my own, I learned how to be a better mother, a better wife, a better friend, I found courage that I didn't know I had, I learned I could rely on others, I found strength that I didn't think I had, I learned to go outside my comfort zone, and most importantly I learned that I all I really need is MY little family.
This city, this NOLA of mine will forever be apart of my life and my heart. I always hope that my heart flutters a little faster when I see a Fleur De Lis, or when I hear a little jazz music. I hope my children will always respect this culture that has been apart of their little lives. I hope that I will always be called Ms. Allison, and my children will do the same to whom they come in contact with. Most of all I don't want to ever forget this journey, and the people that I have met along the way. I will not forget this Louisiana home.