SPT Shopping Spree
This challenge was fun for me! I enjoy shopping...probably too much, but I especially love to shoe shop.
When I was little I would opt for a pair of new shoes rather than a toy for my Birthday or Christmas. As I have gotten older my love for shoes as only increased. It is the only part of my body that has stayed the same size. A dear friend once said to me "I may not be able to control what my body looks like, but I can control how my feet look". Maybe that is why I have over 60 pairs of shoes.
Unfortunately, I have passed this passion of mine down to my two girls. They get more excited than I do when I bring home a new pair of shoes. In their eyes it means this is another pair of shoes they get to clunk around in.

When I was little I would opt for a pair of new shoes rather than a toy for my Birthday or Christmas. As I have gotten older my love for shoes as only increased. It is the only part of my body that has stayed the same size. A dear friend once said to me "I may not be able to control what my body looks like, but I can control how my feet look". Maybe that is why I have over 60 pairs of shoes.
Unfortunately, I have passed this passion of mine down to my two girls. They get more excited than I do when I bring home a new pair of shoes. In their eyes it means this is another pair of shoes they get to clunk around in.
So, this challenge led me to not only think about new shoes, but it made me purchase a cute pair of peep toed sandals.
Thanks Lelly!
Cute shoes, but i want to see you in them!! I have a shoe issue, too. I had over 50 pair once, but now only have about 20. Sad thing is I usually just wear my flip flops unless going to church. I wish they were more comfortable to wear running errands, shopping, on dates, but I never can last more than a couple of hours in cute shoes and then I need my flip flops back.
You should see the shoe collections my girls have. It is so out of control!! Now I have to hide them from Greg or he'll give me the look.
Really cute shoes! I was in Old Navy with my daughters last week (4 1/2) and one of them must have picked out 3 different pairs of shoes she just had to have. It was really cute - but sadly we left with nothing!
Cute post!
I didn't realize your shoe passion has gone on for so long. Your shoe closet puts mine to shame.
Love those black ones though. I bet they will look darling with the dress.
Those are great. I love the peep toe!
Great shoes. I hardly have any shoes - very anti-girl of me. Something to work on.
I saw those shoes at the LOFT!!! They didn't have my size, but my sister inlaw got them, so now I can covet them every time I see them!!!! Cute!
I am not a shoe person, but those are some cute shoes.
What a collection of shoes, and they are all so cute. I love shoes but sadly they are the last thing I buy. My collection is meager. But I always have flip flops and running shoes!
adorable!! glad you were able to get them outright, and not just virtually!
I am roaring right now!!!! You know why! Thanks for the picture taken at FIELD DAY! Oh, some things never change! I miss good old Alice Birney .... such a happy time.
Love the shoes! You always have the best ones!
Hey allison!! It's Brittney Pierce, well now Dye... i can't believe i found you on here!! How's N.O.? Your kids are so grown up!!! Miss you! :)
I am also shoe-obsessed. I truly cannot get enough. I inherited this trait from my grandmother. She even had some Minolo Blaniks.
I love those shoes! Where did you get them? My daughter is also obsessed with shoes. Gotta love shoes. Shoes never make me feel fat. :)
Those sandals are adorable!! I used to feel exactly the same way about shoes, but sadly my feet have changed size and now with my plantar fasciitis diagnosis.... shoes just aren't as fun as they used to be. Thanks for letting me enjoy them vicariously through you!
I was just checking out your site through lelly's and had to comment on your shoes. I love them!
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